Other Categories
In the remaining
categories (as, really, with all the categories except short fiction) I do want
to emphasize what may be obvious – these are people and things that I
personally enjoyed, but I know there’s a lot of excellent work I’ve missed. I’ll
be nominating things that impressed me, but I’ll be glad to check out the stuff
other people nominate.
Best Fan Writer
The first thing
I’ll do here is mention myself. I am a fan writer (at least my blog writing and
my stuff for Black Gate qualifies, if perhaps not my work for Locus,
which I guess is now officially professional). I would note in particular my
reviews of old magazines at Black Gate, particularly Amazing and Fantastic
in the Cele Goldsmith Lalli era, and my various reviews of Ace Doubles here at
Strange at Ecbatan (and often linked from Black Gate.) I would be
greatly honored if anyone thought my work worthy of a Best Fan Writer
But of course there
are many wonderful fan writers out there. For years I have been nominating Abigail
Nussbaum, especially for her blog Asking the Wrong Questions (http://wrongquestions.blogspot.com/ ), and I see no reason
not to do so again this year. I will note in particular her review of Arrival, which captured beautifully the
ways in which the movie falls short of the original story, but still
acknowledges the movie’s strengths.
Another fan writer
who has attracted my notice with some interesting posts is Camestros Felapton (https://camestrosfelapton.wordpress.com/). Some of the most
interesting work there regarded (alas) the Puppy Kerfuffles, and I was quite
amused by this Map of the Puppy Kerfuffle: https://camestrosfelapton.wordpress.com/the-puppy-kerfuffle-map/.
But the blog is much more than Puppy commentary – indeed, it’s much more than
SF commentary. In the more traditional fanwriting area, I can point to the most
recent entry (as I write), a well-done review of Greg Egan’s Diaspora.
Another possibility
is Greg Hullender at Rocket Stack Rank (http://www.rocketstackrank.com/
). The site is run by Greg along with his partner Eric Wong, and both deserve a
lot of credit – I mention Greg in particular because of article like his analysis
of the effect of slate voting on the 2016 Hugos (http://www.rocketstackrank.com/2016/09/reanalysis-of-slate-voting-in-2016-hugo.html
One of my favorite
fan writers does a lot of his stuff in a place relatively few people see, but
he has begun to review Amazing Stories for Galactic Journey. This is John Boston, and his
work can be found at this tag: http://galacticjourney.org/tag/john-boston/. The conceit at Galactic
Journey is that magazines from 55 years ago are reviewed, with an attempt
to make the reviews reflect only knowledge up to the point of publication of
the magazine. (It will be obvious to anyone who reads my stuff at Black Gate
that this sort of thing is right up my alley, and in particular that reviews of
Amazing from the early ‘60s are of special interest, as I am (in a
somewhat less disciplined fashion) trying to look at and write about as many issues of Amazing
and Fantastic edited by Cele Goldsmith Lalli as I can.)) A couple of
years ago John (along with Damien Broderick) published a series of books
reviewing every issue of New Worlds and Science Fantasy from the
Carnell era, which gives another look at his credential as a fan writer.
And finally I think
there are a number of people at Black Gate worthy of a look. Too many to
mention, perhaps, but one who definitely deserves recognition is the editor,
John O’Neill, who also does a great deal of writing for the site.
Best Fanzine
Mentioning sites
like Black Gate, Galactic Journey, and Rocket Stack Rank
immediately brings to mind the Best Fanzine category. I plan to nominate each
of these sites for a Best Fanzine Hugo. I’m particularly partial in this
context to Black Gate, primarily of course because I have been a
contributor since the print days (issue #2 and most of the subsequent issues). Black
Gate was nominated in this category each of the past two years, but we
declined the nomination due to the taint of (unwanted) presence on the Rabid
Puppy slates. (I had suspected, and Greg Hullender’s analysis mentioned above
suggests that I was right, that Black Gate would have been nominated
even without the slates last year, but John made the principled decision to
withdraw anyway.) Anyway, Black Gate is notable for publishing a lot of
content on a very wide variety of topics, from promoting new book releases to
publishing occasional original and reprinted fiction to Sherlock Holmes to
reviewing old issues of Galaxy (Matthew Wuertz) and Amazing/Fantastic/etc.
(me) to intriguing posts about travel and architecture by Sean MacLachlan.
Stack Rank and Galactic Journey are a bit more tightly focused: the
former primarily reviews and rates short fiction, as well as assembling
statistics about other reviewers (myself included) and their reactions to the
stories; while the latter, as I mentioned above, is reviewing old SF magazines
from 55 years ago. (On a personal note, I was surprised to find that Greg
Hullender credits me for some of the impetus towards starting Rocket Stack
Rank, in a conversation we had when we met at Sasquan.)
Finally, I’ll
mention the other SF-oriented site I read and enjoy regularly – File 770 (http://file770.com/
), which is (deservedly) very well known, having been nominated for the Best
Fanzine Hugo numerous times and having won some as well, including just last
year. I think they continue to be worthy of a Best Fanzine nomination.
Best Editor
When I wrote about
this category last year I especially recommended Sheila Williams (Asimov’s),
Jonathan Strahan (the Infinity
series and other anthologies (including a Best of the Year series), plus
stories for Tor.com), and John Joseph Adams (Lightspeed, numerous
anthologies, a Best of the Year series). I haven’t changed my mind – a look at
my story recommendations shows how many good stories each of them published in
2016. Jonathan Strahan, besides the anthologies Bridging Infinity and Drowned
Worlds, was the acquiring editor for one of the very best novellas of the
year, The Dream Quest of Vellitt Boe.
John Joseph Adams edited one original anthology, What the #@&% is That?, a horror-oriented book, plus Lightspeed,
from which I chose three stories for my anthology; and Nightmare, a
horror e-zine. And Sheila Williams, of course, continues to edit Asimov’s
with remarkable distinction – every year that is the magazine with the most
stories I consider for my book, including four that made my book this year, all
of which will likely be on my Hugo nomination ballot.
So once again I’ll
nominate all three of those folks. The other two editors of Big Three magazines
are certainly worthy as well – C. C. Finlay at F&SF and Trevor Quachri at
Analog (which to my mind continues to improve). And Andy Cox’s work at
Interzone and Black Static is impressive as well. And then of course there is Clarkesworld,
edited by Neil Clarke and Sean Wallace. Neil is also editing a Best of the Year
book, and he has been doing original anthologies as well (though none appeared
in 2016). Sean is also co-editor of a very strong horror e-zine, The Dark.
Clarkesworld in particular had a very strong year indeed in 2016. The
other e-zine that really stood out in 2016 was Beneath Ceaseless Skies,
edited by Scott H. Andrews, from which I chose 3 stories (and could have chosen
K. J. Parker’s excellent “Told by An Idiot” as well.) I’ve said it before, and I’ll
say it again – Beneath Ceaseless Skies is I think indisputably the best
Fantasy-oriented ezine there is. To mention one more name – Ian Whates, at
NewCon Press. He published two original anthologies this year, Crises and Conflicts and Now We Are Ten, from both of which I
chose a story for my book. (Now We Are
Ten, in particular, is a first-rate book from top to bottom.) And he is
also the acquiring editor for one of the best novellas of the year, Alastair
Reynolds’ The Iron Tactician.
I haven’t even
mentioned the two most decorated contemporary editors, Ellen Datlow and Gardner
Dozois. And they of course remain exceptional editors. This year I didn’t see
as much original short fiction from either of them (though both put out Best of
the Year books), but Datlow was the acquiring editor for one of the best
novellas of the year, Victor LaValle’s “The Ballad of Black Tom”, as well as
other work for Tor.com. Gardner’s 2016 work was mostly reprints – his landmark
Best of the Year series, as well as his role as reprint editor for Clarkesworld.
In Best Editor,
Long Form, I bow out. Between the fact that I just haven’t read enough 2016
novels, and that even if I have, I’m not always sure who was editorially
responsible, I really can’t speak with any authority.
Other Hugos
I’m going to bow
out of the rest of the Hugo categories as well. This doesn’t mean I don’t think
highly of those categories – I do! But I just can’t say much intelligent about
any of them. I have my favorite artists, but I forget, sometimes, what they’ve
done lately. I don’t read graphic novels (and please don’t take that as a dis –
it’s more a matter of “so many books, so little time”.) For Best Semiprozine,
give me a list of the currently eligible Semiprozines, and I’ll have more to
say – Beneath Ceaseless Skies is one, for sure, and definitely worthy of
nomination; as is Uncanny, and Interzone. I am more or less
clueless on podcasts. I don’t know what’s been good this year in related work –
please enlighten me! UPDATE: A couple of Related Works did occur to me later as worthy of recommendation: Alvaro Zinos-Amaro's TRAVELER OF WORLDS: CONVERSATIONS WITH ROBERT SILVERBERG, and Chris Offutt's MY FATHER, THE PORNOGRAPHER (about SF writer Andrew J. Offutt).
Finally, the John
W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. This is given to the best writer whose
first professional publication in the SF or Fantasy field appeared in the past
two years (2015 or 2016). Writertopia has a page, not guaranteed to be
complete, with a list of eligible authors: http://www.writertopia.com/awards/campbell .
From that last, a couple
of names stand out for me. One is Charlotte Ashley, whose story “A Fine Balance”
is in my upcoming Best of the Year book, and her first pro sale, “La Heron”,
was pretty close to being in last year’s book. The other is Ada Palmer, for her
impressive first novel,Too Like the Lightning, which I have already discussed.
Other new writers who have particularly impressed me include Nin Harris, Malka
Older, T. R. Napper, Steve Pantazis, Sunil Patel, Laurie Penny, Eric Reynolds,
Tamara Vardomskaya, and Benjamin C. Kinney.